Saturday, May 05, 2007

Back Wrapping for beginners

This is basically me bragging. Since learning how to do a russack carry (thanks Jen and Amy!!!) I've been addicted to it. And Hana likes it too. So I decided I'd show off and take some pictures since most of you who read this aren't that experienced with babywearing and might just be impressed with my not-even-close-to-expert skills! For more info (and better instructions on any carry/carrier imaginable!) check out

Step 1: Spread out wrap and place baby in the middle.
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Step 2: Bring top rail over baby's shoulders and grab baby under the left arm with your left hand...ditto with the right arm. Make sure you're holding both wrap and baby.

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Step 3: Lift baby up and uncross your arms. That will swing the baby over your shoulder and turn her around. Place baby on your back.

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Step 4: Holding baby with one hand, reach the other hand behind you and tuck bottom rail of wrap under her bum. Be generous and make sure the wrap will cover to her knees.

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Step 5: Still holding baby under the bum, bring bottom rail up on top of your shoulder under the top rail (the sadwitch method) Tighten both rails and tuck between your knees. (excuse the funny face...)

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Step 6: Switch hands and repeat on other shoulder, making sure baby is nice and tight, tweeking as necisary. Baby should now be sitting in a nice little pocket of fabric that puts the knees higher than the bum. Tip: getting hair up before wrapping is always helpful.

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Step 7: Take one side and pass it under your arm, over baby's first leg and under the second. I twist it a bit before bringing it under my arm but you can keep it spread.

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Step 8: Ditto with other side.

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Step 9: Stand up and tie off in front of around back if you have enough length. I tuck the tails into it so they don't bug me. Happy baby and happy mommy! (Ok, she's a little loose and a little low, but that's because I was crouched down on the floor and leaning over a lot. When I'm standing and not so leaned forward I can get her on better.)

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She was up there for about 2 hours while Ben and I walked to the mall and it was great. No pain at all! I took her off while we were there to feed her, and put her back up (with an audience!) and it was super easy! I love this!


Anonymous said...

I did it!! However... I forgot that being on her belly on my back = spit up! LOL... YUP, I wore it twice, and had dribbles after that LOL... *sigh* oh the fun! She does not seem to mind it up there, but I miss seeing her :P This wil def be something awesome for when she is older and some of her realy good days around the house! YAY.. thanks Steph! I took pics too, I will post them.. eventually! :D

Richards' said...

How cute! I think Gabby is to old to try that on.... She wont lay still long enough for a diaper change, and she hates not having her arms free! But you little beauty looks very happy!

Steph said...

This summer I can show you different ways to wrap Gabby if you want (with her arms out because she's older). And I'm still making the mei tai for you too!

Dena said...

Thanks for the tips, Steph. I'll have to try that with our new little one when he/she comes along. Our doctor sells wraps like that, better than the Snugli we've used for Micaiah.

Weavers said...

Hey Steph,

I had a chance to go through your pictures on this site and on Hanna's site today and WOW!!! she is so super cute! she has your smile and is gorgeous! and YOU!! WoW dear! I know you just had a baby and stuff, but you look amazing! You need to start posting some more pictures of YOU and hannah!

anyway, that's all, I cant really post about doing the baby thing.... BUT WAIT!!! I learned how to do that when I was in Africa! it is so great and really comfy!

anyway, I miss ya, we should try to talk again soon
luv ya