Wednesday, April 19, 2006


- Things have been pretty stressful at work, getting used to a new manager and a bunch of changes has been frustrating on everyone. The good news is one of the people I work with is becomming a good friend.

- I've been feeling much better. I'm not so nausious anymore and I'm getting my apitite and energy back. I still need 10 hours of sleep a night and sometimes a nap in the evenings, but I don't feel like I'm going to fall asleep on my feet anymore.

- Joy (who will be poping out twins on June 7th or sooner) looked at me the other day and said in a very serious tone "I just have a feeling you're having twins"

- I have my first ultrasound next Tuesday, which will confirm that there is only one baby....i

- Ben got a raise! not much, but always helpful

- We had 56 people at church on Sunday (60 if you count the custodian and the unborns)

- I have a lot of really good things I want to blog, it just never seems to happen lately


kb said...

hey steph,

Do you have joy's email address? If so just email me at


Julie said...

Well, I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel better! Get all the sleep NOW while you can because in a few short months you won't be sleeping because of kicks from the baby and then he or she or your twins :) will be here and then you will not sleep.
By any chance, do you remember the hat pattern you taught me to knit? If so, could you e-mail it to me because I am knitting a hat and scarf as a surprise for my mom. Here is my e-mail
