Monday, February 18, 2008


I was reading Glo's blog, and she posted about a speaker she had heard who was completely against postmodernism because it was so deconstructive, and it got me thinking.

What's so wrong with deconstruction? Really, how can anything change unless someone points out where things need to be changed? Now I can understand frustration if deconstruction is as far as the process goes - it should be done in order to rebuild.

Take Martin Luther for example. He pointed out what was wrong with the church of the time, and so was seen as a heretic, but also brought on reform. If the Church has gone askew of God's intent for it, then isn't getting it back on track more important than decorating sacred cows?

I honestly feel the North American Church is in crisis. Christ has given us freedom, but instead of a safe haven, a place of freedom, it is seen as a place of chains, of judgment, of sin and hypocrisy. As a whole, Christians are seen as weak, extremists, brainless, dull or judgmental. Is that how Christ intended His Bride to be seen by the world?

We are the hands and feet of Christ, our salvation isn't just for ourselves but so that we can go out and save the world. Not so we can huddle together until they come to us, conform to our standards fall into the same ruts we consider acceptable.

I think as a whole we need to spend more time listening to the complaints about the church - not in a defensive manner, but to hear the truth in them and seek to change it. No one will come to Christ if they don't want to be a Christian, and that is a very sad truth.


matthew said...

I think, though, that sometimes the church worries too much about 'how it is seen.' The early church were often viewed as crazy canibals!

We should, of course, think about WHY we are viewed in certain ways.

Unknown said...

Exactly my point. however one thing about postmodernism is that many times people in the church do not reolize that with the Deconstruction of postmodernism comes what is called Reconstruction.